CineBott's neohome.

2023-09-10-0l3-Kleki 2024-05-11-0vg-Kleki 2024-05-31-0qi-Kleki 2024-07-23-03w-Kleki

Oh great, The site is bad, at least the logo is here.. YEAH, thank you Postimages! So um,this site is a Work In Progress so stay tuned.Meanwhile check out the links to the rest of the neosite.

Here are other things coming soon.

OH boy... While i'm updating this thing, head to my neocities profile to give me more advice, tutorials and how to make this site look like this. By the way, there was a "prototype old" neosite that i made.Here it is.

2024-04-27-0kj-Kleki 2024-04-28-0h7-Kleki

2024 CineBott Dushytimes